Category: Backpacking
Day 36 | Mile 534.9 – 558.5
Having finished the flat section, it’s time to climb! And after reaching the top, where is there to go but down? At the bottom of the descent, there was a beautiful water source, flowing through a blue-grey bed where all around it remained the tan of the SoCal desert. After climbing back up, I was…
Day 35 | Mile 517.6 – 534.9
It was so cold and windy (and a little sprinkle-y) to start the day, that I was in my regular hiking clothes, plus my rain layer, plus my fleece, beanie, and gloves – brr! This section of the trail is is the infamous LA Aqueduct section, and the very nearly flat trail follows the aqueduct…
Day 34 | Mile 498.2 – 517.6
Tom joined me for the beginning of my day, so he could celebrate mile 500 with me! And, of course being the spoiled gf/hiker that I am, he surprised me with my favorite indulgent trail mix – Monster Mix from Target. A dense fog had set in overnight, and the morning was wet with low…
Day 33 | Mile 478.2 – 498.2
The trail was very exposed in this section, and passed through a large burn area – where the poisonous Poodle Dog Bush likes to grow. I didn’t realize, but there was so much PDB that most other hikers were road walking around this section. Although, I was able to make it through without making contact…
Day 32 | Mile 457.1 – 478.2
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Day 31 | Mile 444.3 – 457.1
The trail was mostly exposed, with very little shade through this section. Thankfully, there was plenty of water, which many tadpoles were enjoying too! An eerie walk through a long concrete tunnel lead directly to Vasquez Rocks – the site where many films and TV shows have been made, including Star Trek. After a few…
Day 30 | Mile 418.6 – 444.3
A long but incredibly beautiful hike for my one month trailiversary! The trail wound through scented evergreen forests before shrinking back into a desert landscape with minute floral surprises absolutely everywhere. I ran into (or should I say snuck up behind) fellow hiker Kathryn, tried out a potential trail name idea I had (“Sneak Attack”)…
Day 29 | Mile 403 – 418.6
Ahhh, (relatively) unobstructed trail today! I enjoyed the smooth sailing, and the views of the distant Tehachapi mountains. The best part? NO SNOW!!! I believe that the trail should be snow-free for the next 300 miles, until the trail enters the high Sierra Nevada mountain range. ⇠ Previous Day Next Day ⇢
Day 28 | Mile 386.1 – 403
(excluding the trail closure) Another day of trail obstacles! During the first 4 miles I encountered snow – hard, icy, and sloped. It was after completing it, that I again learned that many other hikers were continuing to road walk around this section. I can see why! At one point, there was (what I determined…
Day 27 | Mile 370.4 – 386.1
(via Hwy 2 bypass) Today, I was a smart hiker and road-walked on a parallel road versus “hiking” in a sketchy snow section. Highway 2 is closed for vehicle traffic due to the impassable snow and frequent rockfalls, so this road walk is apparently a “time-honored tradition” for early season PCTer’s who come through the…